
Lost 22 lbs & 4” off her waist in 10 weeks

I had been struggling with my weight for years. Finally, I got to the point where I gave up on diets and started eating my feelings with a mostly pizza and donut based diet. My weight was out of control and I no longer was able to fit into any of my pants. 

I had known Jennique and thought she was just one of those "naturally skinny girls who can eat whatever and not gain weight." When I found out she had lost weight and kept it off for years I had to know her secret. 

I started this as a lifestyle change and have quickly and easily lost over 20 lbs and am now back into my skinny jeans and skinny bikini.  I wasn't looking for a boyfriend but I felt so good about my body I attracted one of those as well. I have girls come up to me all the time and tell me what a good body I have and ask me if I work out.  Nope never! Now they think I am one of those "naturally skinny girls who can eat whatever she wants." 

The truth is I am now at the point where I can have treat meals and eat pretty much anything I crave without gaining the weight back. I just stay on my plan most of the time and if I really want something, I have it and I don't gain. 

The big difference is I have accountability, a plan and a strong support system that I couldn't get anywhere else but with Jennique.  I couldn't say enough good things and I would be happy to have anyone contact me directly for pictures or more details about my story.  This was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time.